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Решение силосной системы для цементной промышленности

Решение силосной системы для цементной промышленности

  • Размер силоса: 100-20000 м3
  • Материалы для хранения: цемент, известняк, бокситы, песчаник, железная руда, гипс, летучая зола, порошок минеральной золы, сырой уголь и другие добавки
  • Применимый тип силоса: силос с болтовым креплением, силос со спиральной складкой, сварной силос
  • Вспомогательная система: ковшовый элеватор, система пылеуловителя, система воздуховодов, система аэрации силоса, погрузчик, система упаковки пакетов и т. д.


SRON steel silo system for cement plants

Steel silos used in cement plants to store various types of raw materials or finished materials are important equipment for cement plant participants. The size/height of the silo is adjustable according to the flow requirements of the whole cement plant, the location of the wells of the fluidization system to discharge the silo is mandatory, and the entire system design and equipment must withstand the high workload requirements of the cement plant.

  • Intelligent connection to upstream and downstream equipment in a cement plant.
  • Make the whole production process of the cement plant more smooth and reasonable.
  • Compact silo system layout, save space
  • Fast construction and cost savings compared to concrete silos.
  • Quick turnaround profit.
  • Flexible function related to truck loading and bagging


Usually, the whole system includes: cement bucket elevator, dust collector system, silo aeration system, cement unloading system, bulk truck loading, bag packing system, bag palletizer and bag cart loading system. /p>

Cement Silo System

Экономичная модель силоса для выбора

Single silo volume Choice of silo model Advantages
100-800m3 Silo on bolts Easy installation, cost saving
500-7000 m3 (not for hot clinker) Spiral stacked silo Silo technology in Germany Good anti-corrosion properties because the silo material is hot-dip galvanized steel sheet. High tightness. High strength silage. Short construction time. Cost savings.
7000-20000 m3 (not for hot clinker) Welded silo Applicable to various types of materials Large volume per silo High sealing efficiency

Main accessories

  • Bucket elevator

  • Cement Silo Aeration System

    Silo aeration system

  • Cement Silo Truck Loading System

    Truck loading system

  • Bag Packing System

    Packing system

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